Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Sketching cult legends - guys

I'm prepping for the London show at the end of the year. (its going to be a very cool show in Winter- all based on cult legends, with a strong retro vibe). So I'm debating between which cult figures to depict. You will all have your favourites, I have mine...... Whats so interesting though is that someones cult idol is anothers hideous hate figure! I like Dennis Hopper, and am pretty keen on Warhol too, but theres such a fine line between cult figure and 'over-exposed-legend-thats-done-to-death'.

Personally I like writers, dark rugged ones that look like they dont get enough day light. But also beautifully hip kids. Its hard to decide, so far I've been given a massive long list through facebook (thanks friends!) So in order to narrow it down abit I'm doing some sketches to decide whose faces are worth making a flag for.

Some of the latest drawings as part of my self-inflicted drawing project called The Illustrated Dictionary include a young Dennis Hopper (top), with a rugged vibe, and Jack Kerouac (below), writer of On the Road. The beats is an era I'm playing with at the moment, but am also massively drawn to the early 1960s girls. I'll pop back with a progress report soon!

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