Friday, September 11, 2009


Today I met up with Alison & Torben from Brighton's Arty Magazine & had a nice chat about what it is to be an artist in the city, the uphill struggle to making a living as a creative and to now find myself as a full-time artist....... that phrase 'full-time artist' was the pinnacle of what aimed for for about 8 years, and finally last year found myself in a place to give up lecturing and concentrate all my attentions to being an artist... finally!
It really was a decision to do one thing well, when I was a part-time lecturer/ part-time artist I felt like I was always letting people down, whether it was galleries, people wanting a commission, or students, there really was not enough hours in the week to do it all... that phrase too 'do it all'... well I made the leap of faith and am rather please that I did...

This time of year always feels strange though, as for a while I would have spent September planning lectures, now I spend September making work for upcoming shows (like 'English Rose' above & 'Hybrid Rose' top which will be at Theres Still Life with Mauger Art for ARTLONDON Fair), having interviews in mags, visiting my framer in Kemptown and frantically making lists..... Its still a busy life, and isn't without stress, theres still late nights, and I'll still be in the studio at least a bit on Saturday and Sunday, but its worth it because its something I love doing, its addictive.

So in a bid to make my work even more a serious thing this week I opened up a business bank account! Blimey, now that is scary

** PS- Congrats to Carl Hardie who won the 300th customer prize! Some collectible booty has now been sent to Carl, including a ltd edition bag and a postcard pack. **


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