Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kate - British Made

Just finished the new Kate commission today. I think I kinda like the scratchiness of her, I didnt want to make a drawing that was without personality - so its a bit scribbly and has a lot of dashes and dots..

This is on my very messy studio wall, my boyf calls my studio 'the dirty room' ....

I still like to use my lounge at home to sew flags. I live in a top floor flat and have a nice plane tree that at the mo is in full leaf bushiness and its something to look at when im bored from sewing, so I just really use my studio space (which is 2 roads away & a nice little walk past some coffee shops, grocers a gallery & a couple of delis) for messy inky and bleach work

Anyway, so Kate is done i reckon- I need to up the ante a bit and get some new work made for Graffle 2 (to donate & for their exhibition in London which is in July), also a show in Liberty Gallery in Kent, some new stuff needed for Art-el and also I'm soon to be on a few sites (Hip Art, The State of Art & also Beautful Crime), so screen prints are needed me thinks,

have a nice evening all x

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